Join Our Lodge
I’m not yet a Mason
As your first step in becoming a Mason, you will need a Petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry. Please read Becoming a Mason to familarize yourself with the process and requirements. If you’re ready to start your journey, download and complete the petition and bring it by the Lodge. You can usually find someone at the Lodge on most Mondays or the First and Third Tuesdays of the month around 6:30pm. If you need help filling out the petition or have any questions, we would be happy to talk with you.

I’d like to Affiliate or seek Plural Membership with Edgewood Lodge
Please feel free to visit and attend Lodge. Our Stated Regular Communications are on the First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30pm MST/MDT (Dinner at 6:30pm). The Third Tuesday is Family Night, and you’re welcome to bring your wife and children. You can bring a completed Petition for Affiliation or Plural Membership with you or we will be happy to help you fill one out. If you plan on submitting your petition, please bring a Certificate of Good Standing that has been filled out by the Secretary of your current Lodge*.
*A current New Mexico Jurisdiction Dues Card has the Certificate of Good Standing printed on the back of the card.
I filled out my petition, now what?
Whether you’re petitioning for the degrees or for affiliation, the process is much the same. Your petition will be read, investigated, and requires a vote. For more detail please see Becoming a Mason. The process takes approximately one month after the petition is presented at a Regular Communication.